Saturday, 3 August 2013

Scam: Woman Pays $1,500 for 2 iphones. Gets 2 Fresh Apples Instead!

Na wa o! What do we call this one again? 
Just when we thought we had seen or heard it all, an Australian woman paid $1,500 for  two new Apple iPhones. She got the apples but not the iphones! 
The 21-year-old Brisbane woman placed an advert on a Website called Gumtree, asking if anyone had an iPhone for sale . A respondent told her that they had two apples for sale.
The two met at a McDonald’s where the buyer handed the seller $1,500 and was handed two “iPhone boxes that looked new.” The woman did not check to see what was inside.
She finally looked once she got home, and found fruit, not phones, inside.
Police from the Queensland town of Upper Mount Gravatt, near Brisbane, pointed out that people should be “wary” when buying online.
What beats me is why she did not just buy new phones in a shop if she had that much money.
This has to be the mother of all scams!!