Thursday, 25 April 2013

Fierce First Ladies!

First Lady of the United States Michelle Obama with former First Ladies Laura Bush, Hillary Clinton, Barbara Bush and Rosalynn Carter at opening of the George W. Bush Presidential Library in Dallas on yesterday.

Jay-Z, Beyoncé and Blue Ivy Enjoy Lunch in Paris

Beyonce, Jay-Z and their adorable 15-month-old daughter were photoed out for lunch at Szptime restaurant in Paris today.
Blue Ivy looks just like her dad. Look at that full head of curls. Adorbs!!
Beyonce in a recent interview, revealed she absolutely wants to have more children. She says: "I'll probably start trying after this tour". We cant wait! 

Media Personalities- Toolz, Adaora Oleh & Dolapo Oni now Abassadors for Snapp Drink

Congratulations to Media personalities - Toolz, Adaora Oleh & Dolapo Oni!! They are the new ambassadors for Snapp drink.
Love Dolapo's dress. See it HERE.

Baby Sold on Facebook

Mother reunited with her child
A three-day-old baby was recently sold on Facebook.
A businessman in India paid 800,000 rupees, or approximately $14,749, for the child through a deal arranged on facebook (photos of the baby were sent). The kidnapped baby was first sold (by his grandfather who had informed his daughter that the baby had died) to a hospital nurse and her accomplice who were involved in a child trafficking ring, for 45,000 rupees ($850).
Baby's grandfather and others involved in the case, arrested
According to police, Khan sold the baby because he wanted to arrange a second marriage for his daughter. The girl’s dad believed she would not find a new husband if she was already raising a child. The child’s father abandoned his family before the birth.
The mother complained to police after becoming suspicious of her father's new wealth.

Omosexy at the TIME 100 Gala in Newyork

Omotola looked stunning at the TIME 100 gala in this custom made sequinned number by  Iconic Invanity. Watch her Red Capet interview after the cut. 

Abigail and Brittany Hensel: Together Forever.

I came across this amazing story of Abigail Loraine Hensel and Brittany Lee Hensel, the 23 year old cojoined twins. 
Each of the girls has a separate head, but their bodies are joined though each twin has a separate heart, stomach, spine and spinal cord.
The identical, conjoined twins from Minnesota, in the United States, have graduated from Bethel University and are setting out on their career as primary school teachers with an emphasis on maths. (You can do all things!) 
 You can read more about them HERESee more photos after the cut.