Thursday, 25 April 2013

Abigail and Brittany Hensel: Together Forever.

I came across this amazing story of Abigail Loraine Hensel and Brittany Lee Hensel, the 23 year old cojoined twins. 
Each of the girls has a separate head, but their bodies are joined though each twin has a separate heart, stomach, spine and spinal cord.
The identical, conjoined twins from Minnesota, in the United States, have graduated from Bethel University and are setting out on their career as primary school teachers with an emphasis on maths. (You can do all things!) 
 You can read more about them HERESee more photos after the cut.


  1. You're reminded of how Awesome God is when u see things like this. Humbled.

  2. Amazing, God is truly Awesome

  3. Hmmm...truly Awesome. And to think they survived despite all odds....

  4. Hmmmmmm Unquestionable God is our God
