Saturday, 23 March 2013

Miss Israel Describes Barack Obama as a 'World Class Hunk' !

US President Barack Obama during his visit to Israel and the Palestinian territories
When asked about the US president, 22 year old Miss Israel, Yityish Aynaw, who was part of a gala dinner hosted by Shimon Peres, Israel's president during Mr Obama's Middle East trip, replied, "He's an exciting man, a world-class hunk, charming and an extraordinary gentleman."
She added that she did not think Michelle Obama, the First Lady, would be jealous.Mr Obama reportedly told Ms Aynaw: "You are very beautiful ... Michelle would have been very happy to be as tall as you are."
Ms Aynaw, who emigrated to Israel from Ethiopia with her Jewish grandparents after the death of her mother when she was 12, said Mr Obama was a role model "who broke down barriers, a source of inspiration".

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