Thursday, 1 August 2013

Idowu Daramola New York Bus Driver On Cell Phone, Crashes Bus, Kills Infant Girl

Is your phone call worth killing for? Is it? Phone calls and driving dont mix, Simple! If you must use your cell phone while driving please pull over safely and park! Let the report you are about to read be a lesson.
A bus driver, 48 year old Mr Idowu Daramola said to be using his cell phone, lost control of the vehicle which hit and knocked over a lamp post that fell on and killed an 8 month old baby girl.
The driver was driving in West New York, New Jersey, on Tuesday afternoon when the tragic incident occurred. He has been charged with reckless driving, using a cellphone while driving and death by auto.Authorities in West New York said the bus crashed into a lamppost, which fell onto a baby stroller. The bus then hit a tree, another lamppost and a parked car, which struck three other parked vehicles.
Officer Michael Stetson says he found the infant, Angela Paredes, bleeding from the head and not breathing. She died on the way to a hospital. Seven other people were hurt in the incident.
The bus was reportedly operated by Sphinx Transportation, which provides shuttle service between New Jersey and New York City. The company has not commented on the accident.
"I heard a loud crash and people screaming," said Iris Pizarro, who lives in an apartment building across the street. "That's when I ran to the window and saw the mother over the baby screaming, "My daughter! My baby!"
Daramola, who resides in Thornwood, NY, could face 10 years in prison if convicted of all the charges. He is scheduled to appear in court on Thursday and is being held on $250,000 bail.


  1. Hard lesson.

  2. Hard lesson indeed. We all need to discipline ourselves to do the right thing when it comes to using our cell phones while driving. Just remember that its not what all the trouble it can cause.

  3. Hard lesson indeed. We all need to discipline ourselves to do the right thing when it comes to using our cell phones while driving. Just remember that its not what all the trouble it can cause.

  4. this is so sad. most of us are guilty of using our cell phones while driving. this is so unfortunate. Poor man..he will wish he could wake up and its all a dream

  5. Pity indeed. The driver of the train that crashed in Spain last week killing 87 people was reported to be on his cell phone when it crashed. He was distracted by the call and so overan the speedlimit on a section that requires he slows down. He has also been charged for professional recklessness, manslaughter and his train driver licence withdrawn.
    People should know that using the so called Handsfree devices does not reduce the risk.
